Web pages, text and photographs presented on this page: www.focal-alternative.be and its sub-domains are original creations of Philip Reale.

The format and content of the site are all original work protected by laws on intellectual property. The code considers such intellectual property as intellectual works, under 9 of art. L. 112-2, « photographic works and those made using techniques similar to photography. The author alone has the right to disclose his work. Subject to the provisions of art. L. 132-24, determines the disclosure process and lay down the conditions thereof. (Art. L. 121-2 CPI).

Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the express consent of the author or his successors or assigns shall be unlawful. The same applies to translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any technique or process. (Art. L. 122-4 CPI). This prohibition extends, without this list being limiting in any material contained on the editorial page: presentation of screens, text, logos, photographs in particular.

The person who reproduced without the permission of the author for a work to it to the public commits an act of infringement. Any edition of writings, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other printed or engraved production in whole or in part, in defiance of laws and regulations concerning author’s property is a forgery and any forgery is a misdemeanor. (Art. L. 335-2 CPI).

Is also an infringement of copyright any reproduction, representation or circulation by any means whatsoever, of intellectual work in violation of the copyright, as defined and regulated by law (s. . L. 335-3 CPI).

Counterfeiting is a tort (liable for damages), and a criminal offense (punishable by imprisonment of three years and a fine of 300 000 euros).

The code allows intellectual property, under paragraphs 1 and 2 of art. L. 122-5, that private and gratuitous performances carried out exclusively in the family circle, copies or reproductions strictly reserved for private use and not for collective use.

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